Home Exhibitions Előző kiállítások Middle-class chic

Middle-class chic

The exhibition gives a taste of women's clothes and accessories of the gentrifying Debrecen, and gives an insight into the way of life of the contemporary citizens. The rich material of the applied arts collection of our museum is on display in the permanent exhibition in a number of places, but not on its own. Our temporary exhibition strives to partly compensate for this, in which those artefacts are on display which were never seen before or exhibited decades ago.

Fashion grips people with sweeping force but, whilst intense, it brings about change that takes place within a relatively short period. To be stylish means to follow the current changes as soon as possible. Interest towards the subject is primarily typical of women.


On the lower level of the exhibition, a woman from today dreams of going back to the presented age. In the “dream” the objects revive in an unconventional way.


In the gallery a timeline shows the most typical and most intriguing changes in women’s fashion from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise until the beginning of World War II. Fashion affects the different social strata in various ways. It was dictated by aristocracy, artists, and the upper middle class, and followed by the rest of the middle-class. This latter social stratum stands in the centre of the exhibition.


Fashion in this period was already an integral part of the everyday life of the middle-class in Debrecen too. The reception of the new was eased by the fact that traditional laws of the dissolving civic society prevailed not any more. In addition, a new entrepreneurial middle-class appeared, which, in its lifestyle, was susceptible to novelties. At the same time, the engines of the city’s modernisation came from this class. Its representatives are amongst the founding members of the Memorial Garden, the Conservatoire, the Theatre, and the Casino. Thanks to them, diverse social life took place in the city, on the celebratory events of which women appeared in clothes that followed the latest fashion.


Teljes árú belépőjegy
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
2.800 Ft/fő
Kedvezményes belépőjegy (6-26 év között, 62-70 év között)
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
1.400 Ft/fő
6 éven aluliaknak
70 év felettieknek
Családi belépő (2 felnőtt és max. 3 iskolás korú gyermek)
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
7.000 Ft/család
Időszaki kiállítás - Teljes árú belépőjegy
1.600 Ft/fő
Időszaki kiállítás - Kedvezményes belépőjegy
(6-26 év között, 62-70 év között)
800 Ft/fő
Időszaki kiállítás - Családi belépő
(2 felnőtt és max. 3 iskolás korú gyermek)
4.000 Ft/család
Törvényi kedvezmény - minden hónap utolsó vasárnapján
Fényjátékkal kísért tárlatvezetés
Munkácsy Terem
Belépőjegy +1.000 Ft/fő
Hátizsákos program
Egyiptomi, japán
Belépőjegy + 1.400 Ft/hátizsák
Tárlatvezetés (a Déri Múzeumban kiállítási egységenként)
10.000 Ft/csoport

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