Home Exhibitions Virtual exhibition János Fáji Fáy sen. and jr. (1716–1783 és 1773–1833)

János Fáji Fáy sen. and jr. (1716–1783 és 1773–1833)

The first Catholics on the town council

Catholic nobleman János Fáy of Fáj from Upper Hungary married the daughter of Sámuel Diószegi, Jr., the first postmaster of Debrecen. Fáy took over postmastership from his father-in-law, and took up office in the Diószegi House in Széchenyi Street.
During János Fáy of Fáj, Sr.’s time in Debrecen Catholics continually struggled for recognition by the town council. Even though a dedicated lot had been staked out for the Catholic church and parish in Saint Anne’s Street, the area was beyond city limits at the time. Catholics also wanted to be on the town council, to hold office as guildmasters and become respected citizens of the town, as well as to be able to observe their religious customs and holidays.
Under royal pressure the town council finally appointed the first Catholic councillor in 1755 in the person of János Fáy of Fáj, Sr. Then, in 1776, the newly devised mayor’s office was also surrendered to Fáy of Fáj, Sr. on higher command. Two years later he became the town’s first chief justice of Catholic faith.

János Fáy of Fáj, Jr. was born from his father’s second marriage. The young Fáy moved to Debrecen from Emőd after having been appointed councillor in 1816, which office he held for years to come. From 1823 he headed the cívis town as mayor for 10 years. In addition, he served as judge in several county courts. János Fáy of Fáj, Jr. accumulated one of the most substantial art collections of his time, part of which he inherited from his uncle, bishop of Pécs György Klimó.

Déri Múzeum

Az 1902-ben helytörténeti múzeumként alapított intézmény egyszerre őrzi Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar megye és az egyetemes művelődéstörténet kulturális emlékeit. Déri Frigyes 1920-ban adományozta rendkívül jelentős gyűjteményét múzeumunknak, amit az elmúlt évtizedekben számos más, jelentős adomány is gazdagított. 


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