Home Exhibitions Előző kiállítások THE HORSEMAN OF THE KHAGAN aka the revival of an armoured Avar horseman

THE HORSEMAN OF THE KHAGAN aka the revival of an armoured Avar horseman

THE HORSEMAN OF THE KHAGAN aka the revival of an armoured Avar horseman
A temporary exhibition of the Déri Museum. In the summer of 2016, during the preliminary excavation of the M35 motorway, archaeologists found the remains of a ten-year-old girl who lived in the middle of the 7th century. The girl was named Danuta, who was once buried wearing a headdress studded with gold. In September, another rich grave containing a headdress was unearthed only seven meters from the previous one, with the remains of an adult woman named Malvin.

A complete lamellar armour that covered not only the torso, but also the thighs and the shoulders was excavated from the grave of the warrior who was buried with his horse and weaponry. It is of truly inestimable significance, as only pieces of armour had been discovered in the thousands of Avar graves that were unearthed in the Carpathian Basin. 


Also, the burial place in Derecske is extraordinary because in addition to the weaponry, a lot of organic material that are part of the costume have been preserved due to the high level of groundwater. This provided an opportunity for the hyperrealistic presentation – based on scientific facial reconstruction – of the soldier who certainly fought in the campaigns against Byzantium. Thanks to the modern procedure that was carried out on the skull, we can indeed look into the face of the Avar warrior who once lived! 


At the exhibition of the museum in Debrecen the valuable items of Danuta and Malvin also appeared, and Kerény – mounted on his horse – waited in life size for the visitors, who, with a little help, were even able to hear the imagined thoughts of the battle-hardened Avar horseman!


“My dear horse who has saved my life so many times, my only consolation is that we share the same fate!... Do we live for a little longer? Once, our journey ends and we will be buried at home side by side. In the afterlife we will gallop together with my father’s ancestors in the endless celestial wilderness…”

The exhibition titled the Horseman of the Khagan was accessible in the Dome of the Déri Museum from 2 October until 1 March.


Teljes árú belépőjegy
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
2.800 Ft/fő
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(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
1.400 Ft/fő
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1.600 Ft/fő
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(6-26 év között, 62-70 év között)
800 Ft/fő
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4.000 Ft/család
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