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Gentrification in Debrecen

Changing cityscape, social life in the Bathhouse and the saloons of the middle class.

Change in the cityscape

The merchant families who controlled the economic life, also played a decisive role in the city management by the end of the 18th century. A new social elite was emerging, which considered the metropolitan middle class as a model. Foreign master builders played a crucial role in the development of the new cityscape. The Great Reformed Church, the Reformed College, and the City Hall were all built in the first half of the 19th century.

The Bathhouse of the great forest as the platform of social life

Debrecen, which is lacking natural waters, has one of the most beautiful spas in Central Europe, encompassed by trees and flowers. Its history dates back to nearly two hundred years, and the classicist building that is beautiful in its simplicity, the old Bathhouse, today’s Vigadó still stands proclaiming perpetuity. Debrecen first considered building a “Bathe-house” in 1820, which was then finished in 1826.


Saloon of the middle class

The image and atmosphere of gentrification in Debrecen is presented to the visitors by valuable artefacts. There is an empire style cockle stove decorated with porcelain inlay, writing cabinets, one of which is urn-shaped, which, due to its form and ornamentation is one of the most valuable pieces in the collection. Furthermore, here we can also see a mirror framed in parchment and leather, a cabinet clock, a Hungarian ornamental sword that has a nacre handle and ends in an engraved lion head, and a colourful glass embellished with a string of rose beads.



Teljes árú belépőjegy
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
2.800 Ft/fő
Kedvezményes belépőjegy (6-26 év között, 62-70 év között)
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
1.400 Ft/fő
6 éven aluliaknak
70 év felettieknek
Családi belépő (2 felnőtt és max. 3 iskolás korú gyermek)
(Déri Múzeum, Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékkiállítás, Debreceni Irodalom Háza)
7.000 Ft/család
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1.600 Ft/fő
Időszaki kiállítás - Kedvezményes belépőjegy
(6-26 év között, 62-70 év között)
800 Ft/fő
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(2 felnőtt és max. 3 iskolás korú gyermek)
4.000 Ft/család
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